While travelling is getting more and more accessible, not only people take advantage of these developments that literally make the world smaller. Some modern pets are joining their owners in their desire for exploring the planet, which makes them truly famous across various social media channels.
What are the cutest and most inspiring stories about travelling pets? Let’s find out!
Henry and Baloo

Image source: https://www.zoorprendente.com/henry-y-baloo-mascotas-viajeras-cynthia-bennet-colorado/
Henry and Baloo are best friends that are fond of hiking in Colorado and chasing the most spectacular views. Some years ago their owners Cynthia and Andre adopted Henry – the – pup and started to take him to their hike adventures. When Baloo joined their family, he would cry all the time he could not join them in their trekking experiences…so, he became an indispensable member of the travel crew!
Bolt and Keel

Image source: https://www.gadventures.co.uk/blog/adventure-cats/
Bolt and Keel are another travelling “couple” of two adorable rescue cats that follow their owners in various trekking, kayaking and sailing adventures around Canada. Together they explore endlessly blue lakes, dark green forests and majestic mountain peaks. Do not worry – both cats are always equipped with warm clothes and hiking tents!
Mack the Adventure Pug

This article would not be complete without an adventure-seeking pugster. Meet Mack, a fancy pup from California that looks stylish in every situation. Mack adores scenic viewpoints, mountain peaks, forests and even deserts. Of course, he has a lot of sunglasses and hats for every occasion, demonstrating how you can stay trendy and fashionable even on hiking trips.
Willow the cat

Image source: http://www.vancatmeow.com/
Willow, a fabulous black cat, and her owner have been travelling Australia since 2015. Willow is truly photogenic and she knows that – you will find dozens of pictures featuring her from every angle. Willow and her owner love taking a nap in a hammock, exploring the country in a van and sharing their dinner in the forest. Could you think of a better travel companion?
Drogon and Misty

Image source: https://www.instagram.com/p/BiKmJJ_Bh-B/?taken-by=drogontheamazing
We came across two profiles of amazing travelling husky dogs, could not choose which account to feature…and suddenly stumbled upon their common picture where these two were hanging out in a tulip field! Drogon and Misty aren’t only great travellers, but also party lovers. Isn’t this adorable?